
#1 Germany (JE1BQE/DL、DL/JE1BQE)

Updated, as of Jan. 12, 2025

[Station Information]

My first overseas trip was to West Germany in 1976. This time, US1$ was equal to JPYEN 310 (4 times more expensive than now), so I thanked my parents who gave me this opportunity to go abroad, when I was 20 years old. I visited Aschaffenburg, where my uncle's family lived, and I had received German Amateur Radio Licence (JE1BQE/DL) there.

I met some Amateur Radio Operators there, who were Sigi (DK9FN), Holger (DF2FQ) and Bernhard (DF5FJ) from Seligenstadt. We quickly became good friends, and our friendship is continued.

Bernhard and his wife Elke (DL1ZBT) named their children, my name "Hideyuki", my father's name "Toshio" and my brother's name "Naoyuki", as their middle names. These children are also Amateur Radio Operators, Andreas (DO1XAT), Christoph (DO5CT), and Daniel (DO7DT).

As Thiem Family is pro-Japanese, they have a beautiful Japanese garden at their house.

Bernhard is good at designing micro controller circuits, and he has been helping my job in Germany.

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#2 Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands (KK6RT/KH0、KH0/JE1BQE)

[Station Information]

Saipan, where is the central island of Northern Mariana Islands, where is located near the world's deepest Mariana Trench. It is an autonomous territory of the United States of America. The distance between the Narita International Airport and the Saipan International Airport is 2,343 km.
* Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
Latitude 15° 10' 59.9988" N
Longitude 145° 45' 0.0000" E
* Grid Locator : QK25VG

* DX Pedition by JH1YTU members
* Operators (Members of JH1YTU Snoopy Club)
Thomas 7J1AIJ (KK6RT), Motoe 7M1CRB (YL),
Hide JE1BQE, Hack JL1EEE, Harry JL1UEV, Masa JM1RKU, Akira 7L1MJF
* QSL via JL1EEE


* I was happy to have many QSOs on 6m band with JAs.
* I enjoyed to have QSOs with European HAMs in CW.
* I participated in the 1992 ARRL International Contest.
(First Place, Single Op., 28MHz, Phone, Mariana Is.)
* I have sent QSLs for all QSOs via JARL QSL bureau.

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#3 San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A. (W6/JE1BQE)

Belmont is an affluent city in San Mateo County in California. It is in the San Francisco Bay Area between San Francisco and San Jose.

I have visited here some times, because we had the United States Laboratory of our company here.

We Japanese can activate amateur radio there with Japanese amateur radio license (Callsign is W6/Japanese Callsign), because of a Reciprocal Operating Agreements between the United States and Japan.

[Station Information]

* QTH : Belmont, California, U.S.A.
* Grid Locator : CM87UM
* Output Power : HF(1kW), 50MHz(500W), 144/430MHz(50W)

Acknowledgments : Special Thanks to Bob (K2RM), Marty (JA1KRM), Teru W6DHH (JA7DHH), Zen KD6IH (KD6IH, JA2CUY) and staffs of GRE America, Inc. for their kind hospitality.

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#4 Daejeon, Korea (HL3ZCG)

One of my best friends in Korea, Professor Dr. Jong-Myung Woo of Chungnam National University in Daejeon City, often invites me to make a lecture at his university. He helped me to receive my Amateur Radio Station licence (Callsign HL3ZCG) at his Antenna Laboratory in 2014.

[Station Information]

* QTH : Daejeon, Korea
* Grid Locator : PM36QI
* KDN : R05

Acknowledgments : Special Thanks to Professor Dr. Jong-Myung Woo, Professors, Associate Professors, Lecturers, Students, and my Amateur Radio Friends in Korea for their kind hospitality.

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