
Charter Member of JANET Club

Updated, as of Jan. 12, 2025

I was licensed my amateur radio station JE1BQE in the 1971, but in almost every country in the world, foreigners could not even take the examination for amateur radio operators in that country in 1970s. An American amateur radio operator Barry M. Goldwater Senator (K7UGA) eliminated the foreignness exclusion, which had been a requirement for taking the FCC examination, because it was inconvenient for foreign aircraft radio operators to be unable to obtain a license.

Mr. Tsukamoto (JA1ANE) came to the U.S.A. in 1969, and immediately took the FCC examination for amateur radio in the U.S.A. He was licensed WB2ZRQ (current call sign: N2JA) in New York in 1975. After that, the number of Japanese hams increased, especially in New York. The JANET club was established in 1980.

The JANET Club is a group of Japanese amateur radio operators who live and work in U.S.A. It is a great honor to receive the prestigious plaque from the club, which states that I am a Charter Member.

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Friendship between Japan and Germany (JAIG)

In 1976, I applied to the DARC (German Amateur Radio Club) for an amateur radio license based on my Japanese amateur radio license. The DARC was generous enough to grant me an amateur radio station with the call sign JE1BQE/DL. I communicated with many German amateur radio atations there and made many Ham friends. In 2000, I received a plaque of friendship between Japan and Germany from the JAIG (Japanese Amateur Radio Operators in Germany) club organized by Mr. Iki (DF2CW). I was also a former member of JAIG (#34).


1976 beantragte ich beim DARC (Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club) eine Amateurfunklizenz auf der Grundlage meiner japanischen Amateurfunklizenz, und der DARC war so großzügig, mir eine Amateurfunkstation mit dem Rufzeichen JE1BQE/DL zu genehmigen. Ich habe dort mit vielen deutschen Amateurfunkstationen kommuniziert und viele Amateurfunkfreunde gefunden. Im Jahr 2000 erhielt ich eine Plakette der Freundschaft zwischen Japan und Deutschland vom JAIG (Japanische Funkamateure in Deutschland) Club, der von Herrn Iki (DF2CW) organisiert wurde. Ich war auch ein ehemaliges Mitglied von JAIG (#34).

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Friendship between Japan and Brasil (LABRE-DF)

At this year's (2024) Ham Fair, Mr. Martin (PT2ZDX / LU9EFO), a Brazilian, gave us a plaque as a token of international goodwill between Japan and Brazil.


Na feira de presunto deste ano (2024), o brasileiro Martin (PT2ZDX) nos deu uma placa como sinal de boa vontade internacional entre o Japão e o Brasil.


According to the results of the LABRE-DF (Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão - Distrito Federal) presidential election that announced on February 22, Martin was elected as LABRE-DF president for the year between 2025 and 2027. LABRE-DF is the largest Amateur Radio League in South America.

Congratulations to Martin !

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